Winston Wächter Fine Art believes that the web should be easy to navigate for all users, regardless of ability. To that end, our site has undergone a round of improvements to make it more accessible for people with a diverse range of hearing, movement, sight, and cognitive ability.

Here are the highlights of what we’ve done:

Global Header

  • Simplified code structure and made the header more semantically clear
  • Made main navigation area easier to navigate for users of keyboards and screen readers by removing hidden dropdown at mobile sizes and adding clear focus states
  • Added “skip link” for keyboard users, allowing them to jump directly to main content

Global Footer

  • Restructured code, adding more semantic information
  • Added aria-labels and visually hidden helper text to make for clearer, simpler screen-reader navigation
  • Overhauled our newsletter subscription form to make it effortlessly navigable by keyboard users (our thanks to Greg Kraus)

Front Page

  • Revised document outline for ease of navigation
  • Added aria labels to banner navigation, clarifying the main actions for screen readers

Artists and Exhibitions pages

  • Rewrote page document outlines for better, clearer, easier-to-navigate structure
  • Created new, simpler, more reader-friendly “tile” components, styled for maximum affordance
  • Added focus states for each artist or exhibition tile
  • Added aria labels to each artist, so that some screen readers will hear names listed first-to-last, rather than last-to-first. (This is a debatable use of aria labels, but we feel it makes the artist listings easier to understand than the way they’re presented to the sighted.)
  • Removed potentially confusing alternative text from images on this page. (We believe the images serve a more decorative purpose in this particular context.)
  • Clarified and simplified for screen readers the event information for current and upcoming exhibitions

Individual Artist and Exhibition pages

  • Implemented Modaal accessible lightboxes for all collection images
  • Rewrote markup with clean document outlines and some aria helpers for maximum clarity
  • Added clearer focus states
  • On individual Artist pages, cleaned up default video embed code to improve accessibility, and improved internal page navigation to preserve keyboard focus while navigating

Gallery page

  • Implemented Modaal accessible lightboxes for all images of the gallery and installations
  • Clarified markup for location hours and address

Individual images

The gallery is still undergoing a systematic examination of all images to ensure that each has appropriate alternative text and captions.