Stephen Hannock

Stephen Hannock‘s paintings are reminiscent of the great American landscape artists of the 19th century. He is influenced by the Hudson River School and the Luminist Movement, as demonstrated by his astute attention to light and atmosphere.

Hannock’s paintings are contemporary postmodern expressions of this traditional and romantic genre, but his references provide for canvases rich in color and dramatic light. His portrayals of landscape and nocturnes are further intensified by his process-oriented polished oil on canvas technique.

Hannock was born in Albany, New York in 1951. His work is held in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the National Museum of American Art.

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Images of This Artist's Installations


Videos Featuring Stephen Hannock

  • Stephen Hannock: Olana Tribute

  • Artist Stephen Hannock

  • Stephen Hannock – Alternative Landscapes