
Artist: Scott Patt

  • Medium Work on paper
  • Size 12 in. x 9 in.
  • Price $900

About Scott Patt

Scott Patt's work is informed by the aesthetics of communication in our urban and rural environments. Humorous and cynical, his works expose the meaning of art and poignant moments in life.

His craft-like sculptural work is inspired by the art of the Pennsylvania Dutch. He is also aesthetically enamored with the primary colors and bold shapes and text of Post-Pop and consumerism.

Patt was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania and currently works and resides in New Hampshire. He studied at The Pennsylvania State University and Barnstone Studios in Copley, PA. Patt’s paintings, sculptures and installations have been exhibited around the world and featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Paper Magazine.

Other Work by Scott Patt